Optimus Craft


General Commands

    /rules Most important serverrules. A comprehensive overview can be found here.
    /spawn Teleport to the spawn (senate)
    /warp [NAME] Teleport to a warp (e.g. /warp cs)
    /tpa [PLAYER] Send a teleportrequest to a player (you’ll get charged 1H)
    /sethome [NAME] Set your own Home-Warp with a given name
    /home [NAME] Teleport to your Home-Warp with given name
    /home bed Teleport to your bed
    /delhome [NAME] Delete your home
    /votes Retrieve your total amount of votes
    /depth Retrieve the height you’re currently standing on
    /compass Information about your location
    /getpos etrieve your coordinates
    /pe new [MESSAGE] Send a message (e.g. a report of a grief) to an admin. He can immediately teleport to the corresponding location.
    /lvt start Start a vote for day (when it’s night-time)
    /lvt start night Start a vote for night (when it’s day-time)
    /lvt y Vote for the started day/night vote
    /lvt n Vote against the started day/night vote
    /hat Use the currently holding item as a hat
    /vote yes Vote for a statement
    /vote no Vote against a statement
    /letter [MESSAGE] Write a letter or reply on a letter from a player
    /post [PLAYER] Send the currently holding message to a player (you’ll get charged 0.1H)
    /r [MESSAGE] Reply on a received private message (msg)
    /lock Lock a door, furnace, chest etc.
    /unlock Remove the lock on a door, furnace, chest etc.
    /cpassword [PASSWORD] Lock with password-protection
    /cinfo See more info about the lock
    /cmodify [PLAYER] [PLAYER2] ... Add 1 or more players to the whitelist of your protection
    /chopper on Allow hoppers for locked chests
    /fp protect Protect an itemframe or painting
    /fp remove Remove the protection of an itemframe or painting
    /delhorse [NAME] Unlock your horse with the given name
    /addrider [PLAYER] Allow a player to ride your horse
    /delrider [PLAYER] Withdraw a player’s permission to ride your horse
    /mail read Check for mail
    /mail clear Clear your inbox
    /spleef join Join a game of spleef
    /spleef vote Make sure you’re ready. The match starts when 70% of the players voted in favour
    /spleef leave Leave the match and the arena
    /spleef spectate spleef Spectate a spleef game
    /spleef stats Check your personal spleef-statistics
    /spleef stats top View the top-10 spleef-players
    /tnt join Join the TNT Run arena
    /tnt leave Leave TNT Run

Financial Commands

    /balance /bal /money See how much money you own. Everyone starts with 50H
    /pay [PLAYER] [AMOUNT] Pay someone some money
    /bid [AMOUNT] Bid on a public auction
    /auc info More information about the auction
    /sm view [STOCK] View the current stock price. Use official company codes.
    /sm buy [STOCK] [AMOUNT] Buy stocks
    /sm sell [STOCK] [AMOUNT] Sell stocks
    /sm mine Check your stock portfolio

Basic VIP Commands

    /mail send [PLAYER] [MESSAGE] Send a message to a player
    /back Return to your previous location (before teleport or death)
    /fly Turn on flying in survival
    /workbench Open the Virtual Crafting Table, where ever you are
    /clearinventory Clear your whole inventory at once
    /balancetop Fortune list of all players

Diamond & Emerald VIP

    /speed [AMOUNT] Multiply your flying speed and walking speed by [AMOUNT]
    /afk Put your status on AFK
    /itemdb Extensive information about the currently holding object
    /near Display every player in your surroundings
    /msg [PLAYER] of /tell [PLAYER] Send a private message to a player
    /me [STATUS] Display your own status in the chat
    /recipe [OBJECT] Search how you make a certain object
    /enderchest Open your portable enderchest
    /book Reopen and edit a closed book
    /inv Switch between your first and second inventory
    /world [WORLDNAME] Teleport to another world without having to use the portals

Emerald VIP Only

    /ptime [TIME] Change your client time. Time as in day/night/21:39 etc.
    /ptime reset Reset your client time-setup and synchronise with server
    /mcrank [PLAYER] View ranking of other player
    /bal [PLAYER] View amount of money of other player
    /tpahere [PLAYER] Submit a tpa-request for other player
    /top Teleport to uppermost block
    /feed Refill your hunger bar
    /tppos [X] [Y] [Z] Teleport to specific coordinates
    /jump Jump to pointer location
    /invsee [SPELER] Peek into other player's inventory
    /d List mob disguise options
    /d [MOB] Disguise as chosen mob or object
    /u Undisguise
    /ascend Go up a floor
    /descend Go down a floor

Check out the VIP commands here

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